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Orangecrab r0.2 (LFE5U-25F-8MG285C)

  • Experimentation with concatenation -> “{}”
`default_nettype none

 *  led experimentations

module top (
    input clk48,
    output rgb_led0_r,
    output rgb_led0_g,
    output rgb_led0_b,
    output reg [6:0] gpio,
    // Create a 27 bit register
    reg [26:0] counter = 0;
    reg stb = 0;

    // Every positive edge increment register by 1

    localparam a = 1'b1;
    localparam b = 2'b01;
    localparam q = 3'b101;
    always @(posedge clk48) begin
        counter <= counter + 1;

    always @(posedge counter[24]) begin
      //      (LSB) 1 + 01 + 101 (MSB)
      //      RESULT :   1011010
      gpio[6:0] <= {a,b,q};


Orangecrab r0.2 (LFE5U-25F-8MG285C)

  • Test blink LEDs attached to GPIO: 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 6, 5
`default_nettype none

 *  led experimentations

module top (
    input clk48,
    output rgb_led0_r,
    output rgb_led0_g,
    output rgb_led0_b,
    output gpio_13, gpio_12, gpio_11, gpio_10, gpio_9, gpio_6, gpio_5
    // Create a 27 bit register
    reg [26:0] counter = 0;

    // Every positive edge increment register by 1
    always @(posedge clk48) begin
        counter <= counter + 1;

    // Output inverted values of counter onto LEDs
    assign rgb_led0_r = ~counter[24];
    assign rgb_led0_g = ~counter[25];
    assign rgb_led0_b = 1;

    assign gpio_13 = counter[26];
    assign gpio_12 = counter[25];
    assign gpio_11 = counter[26];
    assign gpio_10 = counter[25];
    assign gpio_9 = counter[26];
    assign gpio_6 = counter[25];
    assign gpio_5 = counter[26];
